Dress via Impeccable Pig / Shoes / Necklace via Impeccable Pig / Earrings via Bevello / Clutch via Impeccable Pig
Why is #adulting so hard y’all (said in the most whiny voice ever). Aaron and I are in chats about where we want to live forever and it seems so….final. I keep thinking of the Sandlot and FOR EVE-R. He keeps throwing places out that he might interview and I’m all over here, like “how do you want me to say I’ll live there for 30+ years when Ive never been?!?!”. So stressful. The even more stressful thing is that he still has a year of fellowship to complete at Duke before we move, so I hate that we have to be having this conversation so early in the game. There are so many places I THINK I could live, but then I always go back to “well, do we want to be back home with family and friends?”. It’s a toss up I go back and forth on EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Then throw in the daunting tasks of listing our house, selling it, finding temporary housing, a new place to move that allows two pets, etc…time please slow down. It’s funny, I’ve wished residency away pretty much from the moment it started, but now that residency is almost over (end of June) and fellowship is here, I’m all…just take your time life because I have no idea what our next move is.
Okay, on a lighter note and a more disgusting one, last night I was using the Black Mask and Aaron and I could not stop laughing because it’s utterly ridiculous! Then when you take it off, it doesn’t peel all the way, so it looks like you have fecal matter smeared every which way on your face. Sorry if that’s TMI, but it’s so true and honestly, DO NOT buy this product. It doesn’t work you guys a Biore strip is way more effective.
Save your $25. You’ll thank me. Have a good one, I’m on cup #2 of coffee with no end in sight.
p.s. Happy Birthday dad, I love you!
Moving and buying houses is always so stressful! And I love this dress…. the wedges are perfect with it.
Brittany 🙂
Come to NJ–it’s gorgeous (once you get away from the airport) and you’ll def have a friend (me!). Love you blog and style. xox
Come to NJ–it’s gorgeous (once you get away from the airport) and you’ll def have a friend (me!). Love your blog and style. xox
Some of my friends are going through the post-residency struggle right now too, it sounds so tough. I’m sure you guys will figure it out and love your decision!
Kristina does the Internets