Shoes / Bag and Bracelets via Bevello / Dress viaMod Mule / Earrings via Charlottes / Sunglasses
Hey friends! I’m alive! Sorry for the unscheduled delay, hosting multiple guests while fun, is also tiring! Plus, I stayed up super late both nights this past weekend and have definitely felt it the last two days. Somehow I’ve developed a nasty cold in the middle of June, #neat. This weekend we’re heading to Cincinnati to visit my family since Aaron has a few days off and I haven’t seen them since Christmas. It will be a short trip and I’m sure we wont get a ton of R&R, but it will be nice to see my nieces and nephew and sisters obviously (I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned, but I have two older sisters). Plus, it’s a total bonus that it’s Father’s Day and we’ll be home to celebrate my dad! I haven’t been home for a Mother’s or Father’s Day in quite sometime which makes me feel horrible, but of course they understand. I just wish we had more time since I’d love to venture all over Ohio and visit my Columbus/Cleveland friends, but I have a feeling I’ll be back again soon (fingers crossed!).
On another note, I’ve definitely been loving any type of statement pieces lately. For me, I definitely go in waves with my jewelry. Some seasons I’m definitely a less is more girl, but something about summer makes me want all the fun statement jewelry and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bevello, Mod Mule and Charlottes in Cameron Village for pieces like these. If you’re local, you definitely need to peruse around Cameron. It’s a great place to go with the gal pals, grab lunch and spend money. 🙂
What do you change about your wardrobe for summer? I feel like we all transition during this time of year and I’d love to know yours!
Loving this combo, those earrings are adorable!!
Kristina does the Internets