Dress / Shoes / Earrings / Sunglasses
About six years ago I had a dress that I took on our honeymoon that I was completely smitten with. It was red and pink and I wore it in Florence and for some reason I got rid of it some time later. Looking back at our photos from the trip I have two thoughts #1. Why did I get rid of that and #2. How do I get that body back?! LOL Naturally, when I spotted this pink and red dress here I knew I needed it. However, once it came in the mail, I wasn’t so sure. It’s a gorgeous almost stretchy material that is slightly forgiving, the price is right for a special occasion piece and the color was of course praise hands emoji. But still, I almost returned it despite loving it and feeling nostalgic for Florence and a simpler time in our life. For starters, where would I wear this dress now that Poppy had joined us and also, was this five week postpartum body fit to wear such a dress? After looking in the mirror I quickly decided NOPE this body was definitely NOT ready for said dress and I looked terrible in it. For starters, my boobs looked huge (that’s what happens when you’re nursing they are just…well…in your face!) And problem number two- my stomach just wasn’t ready for a dress like this, or let alone the rest of me. So, into the bag of returns it went until I could get to the mall.
As the pink and red dress sat in the bag waiting for a return, it kept reminding me of Florence and that dress I had years ago. The day I was able to return to the mall, I just couldn’t bring myself to hand it across the counter to the store associate, so it came back home with me. In that moment, I basically just said F it to the big fat demons in my head. I mean, I may not look like Gisele in this dress, but damnit, I just had a baby and I’m proud of this “mom-bod” (for now at least! haha).
I chatted a little about my postpartum body thoughts here and while I definitely have my insecurities, I’m trying to remind myself that this body did something quite epic and amazing only five to six weeks ago.
So I kept the pink and red dress and I did my hair, I put on heels and took some blog pictures. Soon enough we’ll get a baby sitter and I’ll wear it, and Aaron will tell me I look nice along with making some funny comment about being a hottie I’m sure. And until then, when I see it in my closet it’s reminding me of our honeymoon– of taking photos on the balcony of our Florence hotel room and it’s also reminding me to cut myself a little slack about this new skin I’m in right now. This body is far from perfect. It’s squishy, big boobed and has some extra love around the edges, but it’s mine and it can wear a red and pink dress and look just as fierce as Gisele.
Get it girl, you look amazing! Seriously, absolutely beautiful and I love your confidence! We are all beautiful no matter what size we are and due to social media and society we shame ourselves to think otherwise (guilty as charged over here!), but it’s so sad.
I find myself looking back at pictures of my skinnier days (a couple of years ago) and it’s hard not to “wish” things looked the same, but hey it’s life and things happen and bodies change and that is A OK. I love these confident body image posts- keep them coming because they are quite inspirational!
What a great tale of this dress and your dilemma! Embrace your body in all stages of life. This dress looks amazing on you and how fun it reminds you of your honeymoon.
You look absolutely beautiful! You are the prettiest momma…always remember that!