I’ve chatted a ton about flowers on the blog (examples here and here). If you were to visit our home, 99.99% of the time there is at least one vase of fresh flowers on the dinning room table. I typically pick a cheap bouquet up during my weekly grocery run and while Aaron doesn’t quite agree with the money spent each week, he obliges because he knows I enjoy them. I also love arranging flowers, but I think people often shy away from doing it because they think it will be hard. You can read my floral arrangement post here but if that’s not really your thing, I’ve got a simple lemon floral DIY today that still looks beautiful and classy without the time spent (or skills needed!). 🙂
Items Needed:
- Flowers (I love a spring/summer bouquet of tulips!)
- 2-3 lemons sliced thin
- 2 vases. One large and one smaller that fits inside the larger vase but still leaves room on the edge.
- Water for flowers
Here’s what to do:
- Arrange your bouquet in the smaller of the two vases. Make sure the water is 3/4 full and that few (if any) leaves sit below the water (this causes you water to get stinky sooner and your flowers will die more quickly).
- Take your smaller vase and make sure it fits in the large vase with ample room around the edge. Slowly start to stick your lemons around the vase (they will go in-between the two vases). You can use a skewer or pencil if needed to push the lemon slices down!
- Voila- a beautiful arrangement and perfect for your table, or a baby/wedding shower, summer BBQ, etc.
- I left the lemons in the vase for about a week and they started to sweat get a little moldy but you could always switch them out if your flowers are still alive. It’s such an easy and inexpensive floral centerpiece and it smells amazing floral+lemon scent! YUM.

Enjoy friends. I hope you treat yourself today to some new blooms! #selflove
Thanks as always for reading!
THis is such a lovely idea! Thanks for sharing Amy!