I’m a firm believer the stocking should be left for the little stuff, so here is a list of little stuffers for under $25.00.
1. Iphone case / 2. Leopard Skinny Belt / 3. Bobby Pins/Hair Accessories / 4. Colored Tights 5. Shoe Ornament / 6. Reeses Tree / 7. Itunes Gift Cards
I am also a firm believer stockings need candy. Does anyone get candy in their stockings anymore? I personally stopped getting stockings years ago, but maybe I should bring that Christmas tradition back for me and the Mr. Mmmm….
What are you stuffing your socks with this year?
ooh i love that cell phone case!
XO Meghan
Reese's trees are the best reese's all year round!
I could use a new iPhone case and some tights!!
My mom used to always include tights in my stocking! I think she thought it was funny. Stockings in the stocking? Got it, Ma.
Very cute belt idea!
Is it weird that the other day I had a Reese's pumpkin? The store still had them!
The Tiny Heart
Earrings Giveaway!
ooh love the print on that iphone case! xO!
love nº 1!!!
Today on my blog, sequined outfits, you have your look for this Christmas?
I always get a little ornament in my stocking for the next Christmas. Love it!
The Glossy Life
Oeh I like it! xo
Along with candy and little gifts (lip gloss, earrings, etc.), my girls always get some kind of cute and/or funky socks in their stocking because it amuses me! 🙂 And YES! You and the Mr. need stockings! We did stockings for each other before we had the girls. Now, ours are pretty empty, but we always slip something in there. It's fun! Besides … good things come in small packages!! 😉
Love the skinny belt as a stocking stuffer. Accessories are great stocking stuffers! I also think lip gloss and nail polish are great stuffers.
Amazing items darling! 😀
With love,Mia
New post on the BecomingTrendy//BT on Facebook // BT on Twitter
i really need a new shoes <3 hope my mom will buy it :p anyway nice pics!
My stocking is usually chocolates, mini bottles of lotion and thinks for my purse, and hair ties!
Lovely post :)Your blog is so stylish I really like it! I just followed you 🙂
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fashion blog
I love stockings, they always have the fun stuff! Sometimes I do get candy/chocolate in my stocking. Other times I get little random things like socks. 🙂
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
That keyring is so cute 🙂 And if someone gets me a years supply of the reeces trees I will be a very happy girl :p
So, funny thing – Somehow our Christmas stockings evolved from candy to practical little gifts ie tissues, hand sanitizer, gum.. Funny how that happens as you get older! But I will say, Mom always does throw in a candy or two 🙂
I agree Amy. I like 1/2/5/7.
stunning ~ ♥
That bow iPhone case is TOO cute! LOVE IT!
Rachel’s Lookbook
Great ideas! I love that cell phone case!
A cute selection!
The mini shoe ornament is adorable. Where can I get one?
Cute picks!
Cheers, Jacquie
Love your stocking stuffers!! (Might be forwarding this to the hubs.) And thanks for commenting on my blog! I love yours and plan to follow more closely. 🙂
Wonderful choices. I love the phone case and the stockings. Great great ideas.
I always got stockings when I was growing up, and I thought they were the best part of the Christmas presents! So I carried them on as a tradition for my husband and I, even though he'd never done stockings as a kid. Candy is quite a big part of what we both fill each other's stockings with!
i love the iPhone case!
I also bought an itunes gift card for my man for his stocking. I am so excited for him to open it. xx. McKenna Lou
Amazing post!!
Colored tights and peanut better Recces, perfect combo! Love these picks 🙂
Sparkles and Shoes
I don't like Reeses usually, but there is something extra good about the trees and Easter egg ones. Hoping I get a few of them in my stocking!
Great ideas for stocking stuffers! Love the phone case. I also believe stockings should be for little things so there are plenty to unwrap!
Xo Chelle
Cute ideas. I love that phone case! A lot of little things adds up to a big thing and they're more fun to open 🙂
i love the telephone case…amazing..
Stocking stuffers are my fave 🙂 Love that iPhone case!
The Other Side of Gray
Great selection dear! xoxo
I'll do that for my son!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
Fabulous ideas! iTunes gift cards are always welcomed in my stockings 😉
Isn’t That Charming.
Oh my stocking is always full of candy! And toiletries, oddly enough…
Kristina does the Internets
PEANUT BUTTER TREE! why dont we have these in australia!!
Btw, bobby pins = genius. Any girl knows that those pins tend to have a mind of their own and disappear.
Anything with chocolate and peanut butter is on my list! Would love for you to check out my blog, doing a Stella & Dot give away!
XO Lulu
Awe that shoe ornament is so adorable! Great stocking stuffer!
xoxo Bree
The Urban Umbrella
that's one cute phone case!
Stockings are my favorite part of presents!
xo Jennifer
DVD's are a great stocking stuffer as well, my husband loves momvies. I am always stumped when it comes to stockings. The iTunes cards and phone case are great ideas…thanks! By the way…I love your blog name!
Lori Jewel from http://shoehunting.blogspot.com/
I always prefer candy in my stocking as well!
xx Amy
Leopard and Lillies
I am obsessed with Reeses Trees/Eggs/Pumpkins etc! A girl can never have too many bobby pins!
xo Michelle
Fierce & Fashionable
I do!! I get candy because I'm a candy addict.:D Our tree is full of candy too.:) Love the belt and the case!
The IPhone case is very cute !
xoxo from Japan
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