I love this day. The weekend is near and I have a feeling it’s going to be a good day. Aaron works, tonight and Sunday, but I am excited to be able to celebrate a friends birthday tonight as well as get a little R&R in.
And here are our Friday Lovelies this week!
1. Elizabeth of Book of Leisure –2. Candida of Merch Maven –3. Carley of Little Bird Lee4. Jess of This Analog Adventure –5. Margo of Classroom Couture –
How it works:
Friday’s Five is a linkup party where you submit your favorite post from the week and link it up here atFACE IT CATALOG and also at Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins. The following Friday, we will choose five of those posts that we particularly enjoyed and then share them with all of you! If you’re chosen for one of the five blogs, we will email you on Thursday evening letting you know so you can post about it on your blog! You can be featured as many times as possible, so if you don’t get chosen this week, try again next week.
Your post can be about anything, food, fashion, decor, inspiration, your dog, etc.! Think of it as a giant show and tell where you get to share one of your bog posts from the week that you enjoyed putting together! I do ask that you please follow CB&BP and FACE IT in order to link up- Also, don’t forget to post a link back to CB&BP and FACE IT so that people can come visit!
Why should you link up?
Who doesn’t love building new relationships with other bloggers and finding new blogs to read? I know I do. Fridays Five is a way for us to branch out from our typical blogroll and make some new friends!
Does anyone have anything fun planned for the weekend?
Enjoy your night with friends and have a great weekend! ~Ann
Tarnished Royalty
Thank you so much for adding me to your lovely group of featured gals!
Candida ๐
Have a great weekend, sounds like you are going to have fun!!
Sincerely Miss Ash
Awww, my gal Candida is up there! Yay!
Thanks for the link-up gals! ๐
Sounds like a fun weekend! Just stopping by to welcome you to the Social Fabric Community!
Sorry for the delayed response…looooong Friday at the office…thank you so much for featuring me ~ such an honor ๐
Thank you so so much for the feature! I look forward to this linkup every week ๐ You ladies do a wonderful job!
Thanks again ๐