Friday, why did you take so long? Sadly, we wont be traveling anywhere this weekend since Aaron works both days, but it’s still nice to have a break from the work week. I plan to get some DIY’s done and maybe some closet cleaning mixed in with a little girl time. I am so excited because we are having visitors in October and November and it gives me something happy to look forward to! Anyone else want to come visit?
And now, for those fabulous five….
1. Barbie of The Parlor Girl –
2. Amanda of Amanda Kathryn –
3. Patricia of Miss Top Ten Image–
4. Jessica of Afternoon Style–
5. Lauren of Style Elixir –
How it works:
Friday’s Five is a linkup party where you submit your favorite post from the week and link it up here atFACE IT CATALOG and also at Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins. The following Friday, we will choose five of those posts that we particularly enjoyed and then share them with all of you! If you’re chosen for one of the five blogs, we will email you on Thursday evening letting you know so you can post about it on your blog! You can be featured as many times as possible, so if you don’t get chosen this week, try again next week.
Your post can be about anything, food, fashion, decor, inspiration, your dog, etc.! Think of it as a giant show and tell where you get to share one of your bog posts from the week that you enjoyed putting together! I do ask that you please follow CB&BP and FACE IT in order to link up- Also, don’t forget to post a link back to CB&BP and FACE IT so that people can come visit!
Why should you link up?
Who doesn’t love building new relationships with other bloggers and finding new blogs to read? I know I do. Fridays Five is a way for us to branch out from our typical blogroll and make some new friends!
I am so honored to have been selected ladies!!!!Thank you so much!!! Love this linkup and all that you both do ;]
Happy Friday!!!!
XO Barbie
The Parlor Girl
Loving this week's Five!
Check out my Friday's Favorites: Falling to Fall –
Love the linkup, just found you today and I'm excited to join! New follower via Bloglovin and GFC!
Thank you so much for featuring me! Love this linkup 🙂
Xo, Amanda
Love this roundup! Jessica from Afternoon style has a very cute blog!
I love just having nothing to do, I feel like I get everything done (if that makes sense!)
carelessly graceful
So happy and flattered to have been selected!! Thank you honey!!
Hi Amy! I hope you're having a lovely weekend 🙂 I just wanted to THANK YOU SO MUCH for featuring me this week – it was the most fantastic surprise!! I appreciate it so much, thank you!!
Lauren xx
Thank you for the opportunity to add my post and outfit to this great selection on women. I am your new follower as of today.. Sara