Yesterday I talked about crop tops and offered some tips for wearing them (here). Today, I wanted to share some adorable (and inexpensive) tops that I’m loving. I never splurge on trends, I prefer spending $$ on classic items I know Ill keep forever, therefore, when Im wearing some trendy such as a crop, I prefer to spend less than $50.00 and then I don’t feel so guilty if I only wear it for a season. Make sense? I;ve also linked up a few additional below.
What do you splurge on vs. save on? Are you the same?
I need to learn to layer these so I actually feel comfortable wearing them!
Great picks!
The Style Storm
<3, Christina
I'm definitely the same! I splurge on classics and pieces that really fit my style that I'll know I'll get a lot of wear from. I'm also willing to splurge on those items that are trendier, but I can't get out of my mind for days. Everything else I try to save money on and find and buy a cheaper version (like coloured and patternerd jeans).
Arielle from Tangled Musings
I'm loving the tangerine crop top!
Loving alllll of these!
Alas, crop tops are not for me!
I try to do the same thing, not spending a whole lot on trends that will be out of style before I can really get my money's worth. I love that island print crop top; how fun for summer!