This dress is one of those random things I picked up and wasn’t sure about. However, once I put it on, it was so comfortable and perfect for those casual days that I knew it had to be mine. Now it’s in stripes and I’m debating heavily on purchasing it!
How was everyone’s holiday weekend? I hope peaceful and that you were able to thank a veteran. My mother in law was in town and Aaron worked, so we busied ourselves with Moscow mules and the most delicious brunch in Chapel Hill. I wish Aaron would have had more time off, but he has all of next Saturday and Sunday off, so we will get plenty of hang out time then! Exciting!
On another note, does anyone have any amazing carpet cleaning techniques? Our puppy has been SUPER bad with potty training the past few days and I’ve scrubbed to no avail. Any tips are helpful!
Thanks in advance and thank you for reading!
Love dress, it's perfect everyday piece of clothes! 😊
I need to pick up a comfy dress like yours! Casual summer perfection!
Red Reticule | Red Reticule Collection