From the title of my blog, you can probably gather that I’m a coffee fan. I’d like to say I’m not addicted, but I am. Coffee is a daily occurrence during my morning and sometimes even in the midafternoon. On occasion, I’ve even been known to make a cup even around 8pm. Aaron thinks I’m crazy, but it’s really not about the caffeine- it doesn’t really affect me anymore, I just genuinely like the taste of coffee and I feel like it gives me a little boost of determination and productivity (although I am fully aware this is a placebo affect!). I am a frequenter of Starbucks, but it’s not exactly on my way to work and honestly, there aren’t many drive thru Starbucks in NC. It’s odd. Plus, let’s all just state the obvious, it can get expensive.
A while ago, we got a Nespresso machine and it’s totally changed my life! I love it! Now I have the ability to not only make coffee at home, but also a delicious latte if I want. And while we are still perfecting our perfect latte, they are getting pretty close, so I thought I’d share my at home tips with you today.
First, you need the espresso. Again, I love our Nespresso machine, but if you don’t have one, you can still make delicious espresso at home. Here is a recipe you can use. Second, you need steamed milk. Now, we don’t have a steamer, but I did buy this inexpensively off of Amazon. But, you can also steam milk on the stove and it’s just as great (recipe here).
I like my lattes a little sweet. I typically get a skinny vanilla latte or a skinny latte. You can pick sugar free vanilla syrup up from your grocery, but for this recipe I just went with some Born Sweet® Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener which is a zero calorie sweetener without the funny aftertaste that some sweeteners have. I love it! I just sprinkled two packets into the bottom of the mug before adding the espresso and it gives it a slight sweetness without being over powering.
As for the milk, I was making two lattes (one for Aaron and one for me) and I used 20 oz of milk (or a small little individual serving jug). This recipe is helpful for measuring purposes, I just kind of eye ball it. Make sure to hold the foam of the milk back so you have some to scoop on top! And of course, you can always add whipped cream on top if that’s how you like your coffee!
Do you have any at home coffee recipe you love making? I’d love to hear about them!
Also, you can add some ZING™ to your morning coffee! Give your taste buds something new and amaZING to be excited about — try new Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener for yourself! Get a Free Sample of Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener by clicking here.
I was selected
for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions
expressed here are all my own.
for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions
expressed here are all my own.
YUM! Can you believe I'm on my third in 2 hours? Whoops!
I really am lusting after a Nespresso! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
I love my nespresso, too. I used to use a frother like yours and it was good. We just purchased the Nespresso Aeroccino and it is fabulous. It produces a very rich froth. I highly recommend it.