Hey y’all, I’m back today with another workout with Rachel from Shape Fitness Durham! I hope you’ve been enjoying these workout, Rachel is an amazing and supportive trainer and has become a friend as well!
This workout is tough, but it will get you that booty you’ve been wanting! You can complete this workout for reps (suggested reps are in each exercise description), or for time. If completing for time, perform each exercise for 50 seconds with a 10 second rest in between each exercise. Good luck! Let’s work that booty!
1. Jump Squats
Stand with your feet about hip width apart. Shift all your weight into your heels and lower your butt down into a squat, keeping your head and chest up and facing forward, and your knees behind your toes. Using your arms for momentum, spring your entire body off the floor, landing softly toe to heel as you drop back into the squat to repeat. Complete 15-20 reps.
2. Leaning Leg Lifts
In a standing position, place all your weight on one leg. Keeping your back flat, hinge forward at the hips until your fingertips touch the floor, simultaneously lifting the non-standing leg into the air. Keep your hips square to the floor and tap the toe of your lifted leg to the floor and then lift that leg as high as you can into the air and squeeze the glutes. Keep the abs engaged the entire time! You will feel this in your butt and lower back. Repeat 15-20 reps per leg.
3. Sumo Squat Hops
Stand with your feet wider than hip width apart and your toes turned out as far as is comfortable for you. Tuck your tailbone under and keep your upper body tall with core engaged. Lower down into the sumo squat and be sure to keep your knees over your ankles (don’t let your knees fall inward). Using force, push through your feet to hop completely off the floor and land back in the sumo squat. Complete 15-20 reps.(Sorry for the blur, it’s hard to get jump shots people!)
4. Bridge Leg Raises
Lay on the floor on your back. Bend on knee and put that foot flat on the floor, with the other leg straight out on the floor. Press through the heel of the flat foot to raise your hips up off the floor into a bridge position. From here, raise the straight leg until it is up and down in the air. Keeping your hips up, lower the straight leg back down until your heel taps the floor and repeat. Complete 15-20 reps per side.
5. Ski Squat Jumps
These are just like the squat jumps except that your feet are close together. Sit your butt down and back into a squat with feet close. Keep the chest up and knees behind your toes. Push through your heels and spring off your toes to jump in the air. Land softly, toe to heel and fall right back into the squat. Repeat 15-20 reps.
6. Glute Rainbow
Begin on your hands and knees. Your wrists should be directly under your shoulders and knees should be directly under your hips. Keep the core engaged and back in a neutral position. Straighten out one leg behind you, and keeping it straight, reach the toe out to the side as far as you can and tap the toe to the floor. Then, drawing a big rainbow with your toe, reach the leg up and over your other leg and tap the toe to the floor. You should feel your glutes working hard! Return the leg to the original side, following the arch motion again and repeat. Every time your toe taps over the planted leg, count that as one rep and repeat a total of 15-20 reps per leg.
I’m going to eat a donuts now. (Kidding!).
Have a good one friends, we’ve almost made it to Friday. Thanks for reading!
Love your plaid workout pants! I'm off to get my workout on right now…
Girl these look legit!!