Thank you Colgate® Enamel Health™ Mineral Repair™ for sponsoring this post. Head to your local retailer to get started on your oral healthcare routine!
Between working full time and blogging full time, I don’t have a lot of free time. Add volunteering, taking care of our pups, maintain a social life and keeping our house into the mix and I have even less free time. Fitness sometimes takes a back seat, but I’ve been trying consciously each week to hit my goal of four times. I get it in when I can. Sometimes I have an hour and sometimes I have a half hour, but I do it even when I don’t want to and 99.9% of the time, I feel so much better when I do. That’s why some days a 5:30 AM workout is essential if I know my evening will be full of errands, blogging and whatever else. Does 5:30 AM come easy for me? No. But I wanted to share 5 tips today to making sure you don’t miss your morning workout.
- Layout your gym clothes. The night before the gym, I lay everything out. Then in the morning everything is right where it needs to be and I don’t have to stumble around in the dark looking for a sock or shoe. Plus, it’s motivation to use the clothing as opposed to just walk past it knowing you skipped your morning workout.
- Get a good night’s sleep. This is obvious, but a good night’s sleep is essential to waking up for an early workout. If I know I have to catch an early workout, I set a bed time and stick to it. No browsing on my phone beforehand either.
- Set two alarms and one AWAY from the bed. Ask my husband and he will tell you I’m a serial snoozer. I’ll set an alarm at 5 AM and then snooze until 7 AM. I’m that bad. Because of this, I set one alarm on my bedside table and one in our bathroom away from the bed. This way I must get up to turn it off and then, since I’m already out of bed, I stay out of bed.
- Head to the sink! This always wakes me up. First I splash water on my face, and then I brush my teeth. Something about getting rid of that morning breath just revitalizes you! Lately I’ve switched up from my typical toothpaste to use Colgate Enamel Health Mineral Repair toothpaste. Colgate Enamel Health Mineral Repair Toothpaste helps absorb essential minerals, such as natural calcium, for stronger, healthy enamel and it tastes great and gives my breath that lasting minty freshness which definitely helps at 5:30 AM.
- Wake up your brain. If I have a few minutes more, I usually make a quick cup of coffee, eat a banana and check email or read a magazine. This helps stimulate my brain and lets it know, “we’re up for the day now.”
After all of those things, I head to the gym and get my workout in! I find that by doing a combination of the above, I’m more likely to get up and seize the day. Just like I take care of my enamel with Colgate
Enamel Health Mineral Repair Toothpaste, it’s imperative I take care of my body. I always feel so much better after a workout and then I have the remainder of the day after work to get other items accomplished on my to-do list. Some days those 5:30 AM days are rough, but I never regret them and I know my body doesn’t either!
Are you a morning gym goer? I’d love to know your tips on what you do to wake yourself up.
I’m a serial snoozer too! It’s SO bad! It annoys me, so I can only imagine how my husband feels.