Two Piece Set / Heels / Bag (similar) / Sunglasses / Bracelets 1, 2, 3, 4
I love a two piece set because you can wear them together or break them apart and wear the pieces individually. I’m always up for more bang for your buck and this one is under $60.00 and also comes in white and black. This purple version is definitely out of my color comfort zone, but I’ve been trying to incorporate some color into my very neutral wardrobe. Plus, it’s pretty for summer (which is crazy- spring was five seconds ago)!
Does anyone else feel that short weeks always drag by? Don’t get me wrong, I love having a three day weekend, but I always just feel like the remainder of the weeks takes so long. This weekend Aaron works both days, so I am panning on getting a few things checked off my to-do list and hopefully sitting pool side for a bit. I literally have a stack of magazines that I haven’t read yet and they are just begging me to flip through them and 1. learn to cook amazing meals 2. melt fat off 3. know what’s “in” for summer. In all honesty, magazines to me never offer that great of advice, but there is something just fun about flipping through them and pretending you’re going to try all these new techniques, etc.
Do you read/buy them still? I know with phones, tablets, etc it’s much easier for digital subscriptions, but I just love the act of actually holding something that can be flipped. Also, I can’t see my iphone in the sun, so there is that too!
Have a good one friends, we’re almost to the weekend!
This set is so pretty, I love the color. I still love magazines, I don’t buy as many as I used to but being able to flip through the physical magazine versus using a tablet is much more fun in my book.
Kristina does the Internets
Amy, this look is gorgeous! I am with you, purple is out of my comfort zone. It’s so pretty and perfect for summer!
Lovely in lavender (and lace!). This is such a beautiful look.
xx Kathryn
What a beautiful set on you! Great color choice – blogging is so awesome for getting outside of your comfort zone, isn’t it!? I don’t really read magazines anymore, but once in blue moon, I’ll buy one and treat myself! 🙂
So gorgeous!