A surprise bottle of champagne and a sweet card from Aaron.
Being featured in the September Issue of Walter Magazine with some other fabulous ladies! Read the full article here.
A new book for the long weekend. Thanks Sacha!
Adding an Aloe plant to our house and hoping to put it to use!
Trying Durham’s new cider house and having the most amazing cider (Jalapeño and Mango). We also learned the meaning of TXOTX.
After work today we are heading to Ohio for the long weekend. I haven’t been home since Christmas 2015, so it will be nice to visit with family and spend some quality time with them. We aren’t actually going to my home town, but instead to my parent’s property on the river, so we’ll be soaking up the last of summer by boating and singing Country music loud and terribly. It’s a short visit home, and to be honest, I don’t want to make the drive, but I know it’s important to cherish these moments with loved ones and make an effort, so after work we’ll be heading back to the mid-west to do just that.
Funny story about that bottle/card from Aaron. We went to the Bull’s game on Tuesday night and teasingly I told Aaron when I hit 40K IG followers (amy_cbandbp), that I wanted a bottle of Veuve. So the other night he asked me to grab his wallet under his white coat when I was going out to the garage. I didn’t think anything of it, because he is always leaving his wallet places, but when I went out, the bottle and card were there instead. You guys, it was seriously so sweet! #keeper Anyway, just wanted to explain the back story.
I hope you have fun plans this weekend and that you get to cheers to something fun! Or, instead of cheers-ing, read above and TXOTX!
Have a good one friends, thanks for reading!
My roommate got an aloe plant a few days ago! It’s slowly dying, but we’re trying really hard to keep it alive. Haha! Great list. And congrats on the magazine feature! Big deal alert!