Shoes / Jumpsuit / Bag (giving away one on IG now!) / Earrings / Bracelets / Sunglasses / Jacket
Happy Monday friends! I was off work last week since Aaron had the week off and today is definitely going to be a rough one! We spent half of last week in Asheville, and then during the weekend our good friends from Ohio came to visit. It was so fun playing tourist in our own town and showing them the place we’ve called home for the past four years. We pretty much ate our way through the town and spent a lot of time at home just laying low, taking and laughing. That’s when you know friends are great ones; you don’t have to do anything exciting, just being in each other’s company is enough. It doesn’t hurt that Pete is one of Aaron’s best friends and Megan mine. It means we can hang the four of us, or split off a big because who doesn’t want to get away from the boys for a few? lol
I plan to share more about our time in Asheville starting tomorrow, but for today, I wanted to share a new fave of mine, this jumpsuit. I don’t think it’s a lie that I love a good jumpsuit and yesterday as we showed our friends around Chapel Hill, it was perfect for waking around. They may be a pain to use the restroom in :), but they are comfortable for walking, sitting, napping, etc.
Do you love this bag as much as I do? Well, if you pop over to Instagram (amy_cbandbp) you can win one for yourself! This bag is perfect for the office and for weekend play. It fits my laptop, lipstick, etc. 🙂 So, head over and enter to win one yourself…giveaway ends Wednesday!
And with that, have a great Monday friends. After all week off last week, I’m filling my cup up x10!
Such a great jumpsuit!! And that bag is perfect for the office or a weekender bag! The color is awesome!
Brittany 🙂