Boots / Sweater / Bag / Jeans / Sunglasses
Prior to getting pregnant, I was a pretty active person going to the gym anywhere from 3-5 days per week. Even during pregnancy, I made it 2-3 times throughout up until about week 37. So to say its been weird not being active the last 6+ weeks is an understatement. Mix that in with having no muscle tone in my core thanks to pregnancy + a C-section and you get frumpiness! I know, I know, it takes 9 months to put it on, so I should give myself time. I do plan to, but I wanted to just give you an update on how I’m feeling with my postpartum body (aka how I’m coping with it).
I was chatting with my dad the other day on the phone and mentioned to him that I’m back to wearing my regular jeans and he thought it was amazing. But what he doesn’t understand is that even though they fit, they definitely don’t fit the same way and to be honest, if my maternity jeans still fit I’d definitely be sporting those around but they are too big and my pre-pregnancy so tight, so it’s a catch 22.
I tell you this because as women we put so much pressure on ourselves to snap right back into shape, to get back into those pre-pregnancy jeans or reach that pre-pregnancy weight. But what I want you to know is that fitting back into those jeans means nothing. Yes, it’s a small victory, and it can make us feel human again, but what I also want those women to know that don’t fit back into their jeans within the first, second or third month is that’s okay too! I definitely am rocking a different body now than I did pre-pregnancy; there is a bit of muffin top and while the jeans fit, they don’t fit my best body. What’s most important is understanding that you grew a freaking human- YOU! And if those jeans don’t fit for awhile, or if you feel a little frumpy from time to time just remember that. Sure, I’m back into some jeans, but I still need to diet and I still need to tighten back up and lose baby weight. Some days when I get out of the shower I look at this postpartum body in the mirror and it’s unrecognizable from what it was this time last year. But right now…give me all the donuts, cake and carbs. I just spent 9+ months watching everything I put into my mouth and being extra careful. There is so much going on as a new mom with babyblues, postpartum depression, lack of sleep etc. that we’ve all earned the right to eat the sweets, have a little muffin top or even wear those maternity jeans a few more months. There is absolutely NO shame, so don’t forget it. I know, easier said than done and it’s a constant reminder I’m giving myself on a daily basis.
So sure, I’m not loving this body in it’s current state and who knows how long before I wear a bikini again, but for now I’m just thinking about how truly amazing this body of mine is. I will get back there and hopefully even a little better than when I started, but for now, pass the donuts please. This momma loves a great jelly filled.
Just give yourself some time.You will definitely get into shape. Its been three years that I have given birth but I am still 8 kgs overweight than what I was pre pregnancy! I was pencil thin back then, so I have actually accustomed to this baby weight of mine.
GIRL YOU LOOK PHENOMENAL! Seriously you look beautiful!
I think you look great dear, and in no time you will be just like you want! 🙂
Isa M., Tic Tac Living