This girls night in post is sponsored by OREO Thins Bites but all opinions are my own! Thank you for supporting the brands that make CB&BP possible!
Winter is hard. It’s cold, often wet, gray and dark. Most of the time once the weekend rolls around, I’m unmotivated to go out in the elements because who wants to freeze their bums off anyway? Plus, there is something nice about hanging low key, spending less money and just feeling comfortable after a long work week.
Since Poppy’s arrival, I’ve definitely been spending more time in on the weekends (even with the weather getting slighhhhtly warmer). Plus, with said weather, I’m all about fun nights in. Date nights, girl’s nights, you name it…I’m in (literally). And while it seems easy to plan a date night in (home cooked dinner and a movie anyone?), a girls night in seems a little trickier; you want it to be fabulous enough to lure your girlfriends over, but also low key enough that it’s no fuss. Here are some tips (and most importantly, the snacks I include) I always follow when I’m recruiting my gal pals for a Sex and the City marathon (or, er, I mean anything they want to watch).
- Guest List: Maybe it’s just you and your bestie or maybe it’s all your gal pals, but picking who’s staying in with you is the first step to hosting the perfect girls night in at home. Remember, the more notice you can provide the better! In fact, doesn’t a standing girl’s’ night sound amazing?
- Entertainment: Maybe your group of gal pals are more Gossip Girl fans than SATC, or maybe you’ve rented that new romantic comedy everyone is buzzing about. Regardless, there has to be entertainment…sure, you’ll probably chat during the entire thing, but that’s what rewind is for.
- Libations: Keep it simple, I’ve found you can never go wrong with a bottle of champagne or rose. Bonus points for adorable napkins and glassware.
- Snacks: I like to stick to a general rule: salty and sweet, so my go-to is always some type of platter that’s easy to put together, looks nice and is of course delicious. Meat and cheeses are great, but lately I’ve been loving mixing chocolate, cheeses and fruits instead. A little healthy with some fruit and a little indulgent with some chocolate. I am OBSESSED with the new OREO Oreo Thins Bites since they’re bite sized and are the perfect accompaniment to fruits and cheeses (plus their small size makes them look adorable and perfect for any type of platter planning!). Kroger carries all the varieties in their cookie aisle (OREO Thins Bites Non-Fudge Dipped, OREO Thins Bites Fudge Dipped Original creme, OREO Thins Bites Fudge Dipped Mint creme, or OREO Thins Bites Fudge Dipped Coconut creme (my fav.)!), so I like to pick up one of each and offer some variety. I may also just keep a bag in the pantry at all times since they are so “pop-able” (no judgment please, I love OREO Cookies Oreos!).
- Cozy Blankets: You’re going to need cozy blankets, pillows and places to sit to make life comfortable. I like everyone to have a blanket for everyone if possible so no one is ever cold/uncomfortable in my home. Also, make them accessible so gals can help themselves.
- Pajamas and Cozy Clothing Encouraged: Whenever my girlfriends are heading over for a night in, I always text them and say “I’m in sweats FYI.” I want them to know PJs and sweat pants are always welcome if not encouraged. I never trust people that can get cozy in jeans, it’s just not possible! And, you’re going to be thankful for the extra give in your sweatpants once you get a taste of those OREO Thins Bites.
The most important part though? Relax and Enjoy! Don’t worry about how many OREO Thins Bites you eat (you get to have 9 in 1 serving anyway!!), or if you sip on three glasses of champagne over the course of the evening (treat yo’ self). Kick back and relax with your favorite ladies and enjoy the coziness of home surrounded by the ladies you love most!
I’d love to know- are you someone who enjoys low key girls night in, or closing down the bar at 2AM?
Great ideas, can’t wait for the next girls night!
The Style Collector