Making a Daily Routine Outfit Details
Dress / Shoes / Bag / Sunglasses / Earrings
Making a Daily Routine, I crave it.
Recently I have just being feeling a little blah…stressed with trying to get the new house in order, balance motherhood and find time to do all the other things I enjoy like blogging, working out, etc. just became a lot and because of it, I just kind of shut down. In the past few months of being back in Columbus, I’ve napped too much, drank too many beers and glasses of wine and let the lack of routine really weigh heavy on my shoulders. Literally. This past weekend I had a stiff neck for 4+ days and while I know I slept oddly to create it, I couldn’t help but think that maybe part of it was also the fact that I’m just trying to do too much of what doesn’t matter.
For the past three months, I’ve been painting, patching, shopping, etc. all to make this home feel like home and while it’s coming along, I haven’t once stepped back to appreciate the work we’ve done in such a short time (and it’s been a lot of work). Because of this, I’ve missed out on other things I typically enjoy like a healthy gym routine, respectable bedtime hours and even cooking dinner and eating as a family. I’ve missed the routine of life that I had in NC and this week, I have promised myself to get back to it. I find when I have a routine (albeit loose), I am happier, healthier and just overall more pleasant. Sure, there are still things on my to-do list for this house, but I’ve also promised myself to take on only one project per week, or no project at all!
I know some people fear making a daily routine because they feel eventually they are in the same cycle day in and day out. The kind of routine I’m talking about is the flexible kind, but also the kind where you get in what you love/need each day. Sure, there are days Aaron gets off early and I skip the gym because we go grab a glass of wine or take the pups/P for a walk around our neighborhood, but then the next day, I’m back and too often lately I’d been putting off those necessities.
So I’m putting this out in the inter webs in hopes that if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed lately that you’ll just take two steps back for the time being and BREATH. Even in the most chaotic of times, it’s so important to still focus a little on yourself. So this week I’m committing to a little more excursive, more snuggles with P and time spent playing on the floor, more writing for my blog and YOU and more breathing. And, if in the midst of all that I have a little time for some paint, then so be it.
Routine or no in your life? Let me know.
You nailed it! I always feel better when I have a routine and it almost helps me face those things that pop up unexpected when I follow my routine. I feel like I handle those surprises much better. Thank you as always for sharing!