Velvet Jacket / Velvet Pants / Bag / Tank / Sunglasses / Similar Shoes
Velvet Pant Suit:
Happy Tuesday sweet friends! We made it through Monday (and some of you this is your Monday if you had a holiday yesterday!). If so, how was your day off? Obviously I work form home, but I did have the pleasure of going wedding dress shopping with my best friend yesterday which was so fun and also crazy because she’s getting married (finally! haha, love you Lease!).
I actually took these pictures prior to the holiday, but I think people shy away from velvet past the holidays because they mistakenly assume it’s not appropriate anymore. Just this past Saturday I went to a party and wore this. I 100% love velvet and I think it’s great for the holidays, but also just winter in general; it’s super soft (duh) and I like to think soft goes hand in hand with warm (not true, but oh well). Seriously though, break out your velvet post holiday because there is a lot of winter left in 2019 and it’s just fabulous. I actually got this velvet pant suit from here pre-holidays and have worn it separate and together numerous times since. This velvet pant suit is actually super comfy too, so you KIND OF feel like you’re in sweats on the sofa (minus the heels). What are your thoughts on velvet? Now that I think of it, I actually think this would
I don’t know if January has been kicking my butt, or if I just need a three day nap, but I feel like I look so tired in these pictures. Or, maybe I just need a better skincare routine, haha. If you have an eye brightener that you love, let me know so I can try it out and get rid of these tired momma eyes. TIA!