Olive Blouse HERE / Blazer / Booties (similar) / Bag / Earrings / Glasses / Jeans
I was cleaning out my Lightroom catalog the other day and stumbled upon these photos I took in the fall. I was about the throw them out because I don’t like posting things for y’all that aren’t available any longer, but then I found an olive blouse almost identical and decided against it. I also decided to post because that greenery has me wishing for spring, so I’m pretending that’s what I see out my window today instead of dead grass and more rain, rain, rain.
Honestly, in February, I’d rather see snow upon snow than rain upon rain. Anyone else? I typically try not to wish for spring this early in the year because I know historically February and March are pretty chilly/snowy. HOWEVER, that said, I.do.not.want.rain. Rain is for spring, ya know? April showers bring May flowers, yada, yada. So for me, bring on the snow, but Mother Nature keep the rain.
Olive Blouse:
Aaron has been on nights this week, which means my schedule is all sorts of out of whack. I stay up later and sleep in longer when he’s on nights and while it’s always fun to spend so much time together after P goes to bed (we watch Food Network in between his Stroke calls), I always feel “off.” So with all this rain and our schedule switch…wowza.
Here is hoping for a productive day today, need coffee stat! Make it a great one sweet friends!
marie aygat says
its very elegant.