After I became a mother, I remember saying to Aaron, “P has no toys, we need to buy her some.” Fast forward almost two years and!? She isn’t even two yet, but I feel like so many have already been phased out, broken, slobbered on, rediscovered (why I’m hesitant to throw them out) and loved. So today, I’ve teamed up with some other fabulous mommas to chat a little about our playroom and some storage ideas I’m using.
Our playroom is in a finished portion of our basement and while this room is NO WHERE near completed in terms of decor, I figured progress over perfection. This room still needs a new TV stand (or I may paint it, can’t decide), some more storage, blinds, some wall art and a new rug, but for now, it’s a great space for us to all hang out together as a family that’s baby proof!
So, what are the playroom storage ideas I use for chaos that is this room? Here’s what I do:
Playroom Storage Ideas
- Furniture that serves dual purpose: These are amazing for storing baskets, bins, etc. all while also acting as our sofa table. I also utilize the TV stand drawers and plan to get something taller with more storage soon so I can stuff those as well! Our tent also serves as a great place for reading and relaxing, but houses allllll the stuffed animals, too! Trust me, there are a lot!
- Bins, Baskets, Metal Baskets, etc. I am ALL about the bins and baskets, but I HATE just throwing stuff into them. I label all of our toys according to type and then when we clean up, we make sure they go in the appropriate place. We do have one “catch all” basket near the TV that houses all the “misfit” toys. Our labels are as follows: babies, diapers, play food, play dishes, books, stacking toys, blocks and musical toys.
- Decorate with toys, books and more. Don’t be afraid to set stuff out. A lot of our toys simply have “decor” spots low enough that P also can play with them. For example, the counting beads, stacked books on the coffee table, the Melissa and Doug Farm.
- Shelving. Whether visible, or not (hint we have shelves in the closet behind the tepee), utilize shelving. I have been considering hanging some when you first walk downstairs to the left, but haven’t got to it yet. You can style your shelves adorably up top and then use lower levels for toy storage!
- Clean often and donate often! I clean up all the toys at least weekly and when the time comes, we’ll also donate old and unused toys often. I know, I know I said we haven’t got rid of much, but that’s only because we expect to have another small child joining the family eventually to also play with P’s old toys. We’ll hang on to them until then.
Sources: Hide Rug / Tepee / Sofa / Baskets / Storage Cubes / Fiddle Fig / End Tables / Coffee Table / Jute Rug / Kids Table and Chairs / Kitchen Set / Pillows
Make sure you check out all of the other talented ladies for their tips and tricks for organizing playrooms! But now, for a mid day pick me up and some coffee!
Ali – Inspired by Designs – @alexcalame
Caitlin – Caitlin Houston Blog – @caitlinhoustonblog
Maggie – Polished Closets – @polishedclosets
This playroom is adorable and I’m totally obsessed with your chalkboard skills!
So lovely <3