I don’t have the largest website following, I most likely am not going to win any major influencer awards in my lifetime and I don’t sell out a shirt within minutes of wearing it like some influencers. You most likely won’t find anything truly groundbreaking here, but what I hope you will always find is honesty and just an average girl’s ramblings, hoping that she’s inspiring you a little bit to find some good in the day, or to create something beautiful because she knows you are entirely capable.
I don’t get 100’s of DMs every post flooding my inbox, but the space I have created over the past seven years is important to me, it’s mine and it’s something I’ve been able to share with you; I’m proud of it. I don’t even come close to matching my corporate America salary with my sponsorships, affiliate sales and miscellaneous streams of income, but I do make enough to justify saying “I work,” and I feel lucky enough that I get to do so from my home with my daughter here playing around my feet.
Over the past few weeks a handful of you have reached out to me asking if I’m okay. I’m sure that if I were a bigger “blogger” with more of a footprint, I’d have 100’s asking, but for those that did, you left a mark on me. And so, for you, I wanted to quickly come here and let you know that no, I’m not okay, but I will be.
A few weeks ago, my world flipped completely upside down and then somehow managed to also turn itself inside out. In a little over four weeks, everything is suddenly different. My life is completely different and I don’t even recognize it or the person looking back at me in my reflection. It’s not something I’m fully ready to delve into quite yet, but I wanted you to know, I’m here and trying to crawl out of this darkness I’ve been in. It will take time, but I so appreciate you waiting. In the meantime, I’m going to try to come back to this space that once upon a time brought me great joy and light.
I don’t know you personally, but I’ve been chatting with you for seven years of my life — before I got married, moved to North Carolina, welcomed my daughter into the world and then moved back to Ohio. Your “friendship” means a lot to me and so does your guidance. I know it seems dumb to come here and say, “Hi, I’m not okay, but I don’t want to talk about it.” I promise I’m not fishing for sympathy, more so, I wanted to remind you and myself about how strong we are even when we don’t feel it. Remember, as influencers, we share our lives, but let’s be honest, mostly it’s just the good, the highlight reels if you will. So, while I figure out how to navigate this dark space and share it in an enlightening manner (and not a depressing one), I just need some time. When I’m ready, I will most likely share my darkness with you, but right now, maybe you can wait in it with me.
Maybe you come here to find the light from me in my words, advice, style or décor, but maybe my friends, you are my light.
I am sincerely sorry that you are going through so much at this time in your life. Thank you for letting us know. My heart is heavy and hurts for you. I will be praying for you and I KNOW there is a reason for the darkness because God does not allow you to go through darkness without a tremendous blessing on the other side. We will be here when ever you can pop in and share anything. If you ever want to share what is going on we will be here. If you decide not to we will be here. I know we don’t grow in the good times, it’s those dark times when we grow. But it’s like heck I don’t wanna grow. Just keep me at peace and contentment and I am fine. Unfortunately, that isn’t the way it’s meant to be. My prayers are with you continually. Thanks for being genuine. Much love
I agree with what Christy said, I am so sorry your going thru something. Darkness is a real thing, and when your in the middle of it, it is like no other. As a faithful reader over the last several years, I too will be waiting until you come back. And I hope you do, I love your candor and hearing about your beautiful life with Aaron and P. I recently did send you a PM asking if you were okay, and got to work and saw this. Please know that your not alone, and if you need help, to please seek it professionally.. Wishing you nothing but the best! love and light.
I enjoy your blog because it’s authentic and you see Amy come through with your posts. I’m 5’2″ and it’s refreshing to see someone built like me dress cute and fun. My daughter is not much older than P and it’s been sort of a shock; It’s so easy to put yourself on the back burner when you become a mom. On top of that, you have recently moved and are fixing up your house. You may have moved “back home” but I found that it takes a while to find your groove and re-establish friendships regardless. Sending you lots of love!! I will be thinking of you!
I’m so sorry you are going through a dark time. I agree with Christy that God will turn this interruption for good. In the meantime, it is difficult for sure and I am not minimizing it. Know I will pray for God’s strength and wisdom to get you through. Blessings.
You are an inspiration to be honest and share your truth! Thank you for always being you. The world needs you and your genuineness. I know God has light on the other end of this tunnel for you. We are praying for you Amy, and sending you love!
God be with you and may his love increase in your life to help you with this time. Ill be praying for a healing in your life. Whatever it is it will get better in time. Allow yourself to go through the process its okay not to be here right now. Allow us to be here for you.
Praying for you! Unfortunately, life is full of many difficult struggles. Many times I wish it was different, but I know in my life it makes me long for eternity. Stay strong and stay connected with others. If you know the Lord, lean into Him. He will see you through! Much love to you,
I have been wondering why I haven’t been getting my regular up beat creative e mail –which I always look forward to! Thanks for sharing where you are in life right now. Life is full of ups and downs (some more painful than others) —- Please remember that “this too, shall pass”.
My advice to you is that the glass is both half empty and half full as both are truths… it all depends on what we want to look at! Stay positive in your life (no matter how difficult) as thoughts become things.
When I have gone through this as we all have, I keep a gratitude journal and write down 5 things each night I am grateful for each day. You start to look for things during the day to put in your journal : ) and it switches the channel in our heads of being aware of all our blessings, even if they might not be what we expect or want. Life is change so going with the flow and staying grateful is an amazing tool.
“I have learned now that while those who speak about one’s miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more.”
** C. S. Lewis
Thanks for sharing and know there are many more than you think offering prayers and positive thoughts to you! xx
I love you. That’s my Amy who made this post, and I am thankful to see her here.
I love you, little lady, you will come through this darkness!! You are beautiful inside and out!! I am here cheering you on every day!
I’ve followed you for as long as I can remember and I too have been thinking of you recently and hoping that everything is ok. As someone who has gone through many shades of darkness, please know that it is ok to ask for help and to lean on friends and family. I didn’t do that at first and regret how much I tried to work through on my own. Stay strong.
I am thinking of you and praying. I am sorry you’re going through a dark time. You, Amy, are one of the sweetest people I have never met. You will come out of this stronger. Take your time and I’m sending you light and hugs!
Thinking and praying for you 💜 miss your daily rambles and just being so real with your followers 🙏🏽
You have been missed and coincidentally, I had just checked today to see if I had been dropped from your posts because of an algorithm.
I am so sorry you are going through such a dark time. I’ve been there, I know how dark & endless it feels.
I will hold you in my heart until I hear you are ok. Take whatever time you need. We will be here, patiently knowing you will return when it is right for you.
Until then…feel the love coming from your fans/friends.
And BTW….yes, your clothing items DO sell out quickly! I always try to grab them quickly! 💕
Life is amazing. And then it’s awful. And then it’s amazing again. And in between the amazing and the awful it’s ordinary and mundane and routine.
Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary. That’s just living heartbreaking, soul healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it’s breathtakingly beautiful.
~ LR Knost
I am sorry you are going through a hard time. We have all been there in one way or another. There is always light after darkness. Praying your ease and relief comes quickly for whatever you are facing. Thanks for sharing.
Sending you warm healing thoughts from Maryland! ❤️❤️
I checked on you a few times because you have let us into your life on such a personal level, I feel like you’re one of my girlfriends. Please be gentle with yourself. And yes, we will wait with you here in the dark. However long it takes for the light to shine. Please don’t feel obligated to move too fast or at any pace greater than what your heart can handle. Do please use us as support. And you have touched my life and made a difference in it. You are deeply cherished.
Your honesty is refreshing and real, thanks for sharing. You are not alone in the darkness! I love you!
Like someone mentioned above, I thought I’d been dropped from your posts due to the silly algorithms..
I’m sorry to hear that you’re having a rough time. You have an army of cheerleaders here praying for you and waiting for you when you’re ready. Praying for comfort and peace for you as you heal 💜
Hey. Life is hard. If it were highlight reels all the time, we’d be fictional game show hosts. We’re real people, with ups, downs, highs and lows. You are a brave, brilliant woman. Being vulnerable enough to write this post is admirable, because ALL of us have felt some, if not all, of what you’re feeling. You are a shining, guiding light – that we can’t be perfect, and that’s good! Life is so messy – Thank you for sharing and for your honesty. You have lots of people rooting for you- praying for you and who want the best for you.
I’ve been wondering where you’ve been, and what’s been going on in your life. Thank you for the update, and yes, you will be ok in the future. I hope you are getting the help you need to climb out of the darkness you are experiencing. And, although you have been very open with some aspects of your life, I am not expecting any more of an explanation unless you want to share it! I’ll cheer you on from afar and look forward to your next blog post, whenever you are ready to post! Lots of love ❤️ 💗
Prayers for you and your lovely family. I have been helping a co-worker dealing with a health crisis, so my frequent prayers can certainly include one more! We don’t always understand the why’s or how’s when life turns inside out, but focusing on what is your foundation, your rock, can help sometimes. I enjoy your writing, it gives me hope for our future. I pray that your world settles some and you find your wings again!
Hi Amy – I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through such an awful time. I was one of the people who reached out as I had become worried when you didn’t post for a while. May you have the strength to get through this dark time, and know that we will be here waiting, if and when you feel ready to come back to this space. With much love and blessings from New Zealand. X
Thinking of you Amy. Stay strong, brighter times ahead.
Hi! I follow you all the way from NZ and have missed you in my feed. It is so brave to share when we are not OK! I hope you feel the love from the amazing community you have created. You deserve it.
When it feels impossible to look on the bright side
I will sit with you in the dark.
Miss Amy, I don’t know you and you don’t know me, but we don’t have to know each other to feel empathy. Now, I’ve never met a strong person with an easy past and God knows we’ve all had some really bad, really difficult and pretty dark times, but the human spirit is unbelievably resilient. Know that whatever you are going through, it may knock you down and drag you around a bit, but you get back up and dust yourself off. You are strong and you can do hard things. It’s okay to freak out and cry sometimes, just don’t unpack and stay there. I will share a phrase that my granny used to say to me a lot……….”This Too Shall Pass”