Okay, I admit, a little late to the game on this toddler Easter basket post since Easter is Sunday, but maybe my pinned Pinterest photos will help save some mom next year when she has no idea what to place in her toddler’s easter basket. BUT, if for some reason you still aren’t done with Easter finds, let me tell you that 95% of these items came from Target and Kroger. Which means when you ZOOM into a store to get supplies for Easter dinner this weekend (quarantine style), you can grab a few of these items. I literally had to go to Target the other day for plastic eggs to hide and used this trip to stock up on our non-perishable items as well. I was in and out within 35 minutes, wore a mask and grabbed plenty of goodies for P’s basket.
Growing up, my mom typically did more “gift-y” type items and now that I’m a mom I see why. You’ll notice the candy is limited in Penelope’s basket and thats true for a few reasons:
#1. We hide candy in her plastic eggs (like one starburst, etc. so she doesn’t really need additional). We also put stickers in some, just an FYI.
2. Penelope needs spring clothes, this is the perfect way to “gift” them to her instead of just buying them. She gets a pair of shoes and 2-3 outfit/shorts, etc. for spring/summer.
3. Penelope’s birthday is in December, which means this is a good time to give a few small outside playthings without just buying them since she wont have another opportunity to be gifted these type of items.
4. I figure I’d buy coloring books, books, etc. for her to play with, so why not gift them in her basket!
If you’re more of a candy mom, that’s fine too! There is no wrong Easter basket obviously! I think Aaron wishes I did more candy so he could eat it- don’t worry, we have plenty of candy in our home for him. He has such a sweet tooth, where I’d rather have a glass of wine than candy , he’d rather have an Airhead. LOL
So here is what I put in P’s Easter basket and where I found it. Like I said, everything but the puzzle came from Korger and Target, so there is still time if you’re thinking this quarantine is ruining your holiday. I just recommend being as quick as possible in stores, wearing masks and washing hands/sanitizing everything when you get it home.
Toddler Easter Basket
- Coloring Book: I love these no mess books.
- Board Books: We still do multiple stories each night and love the LBT series.
- Sandals: She needed these anyway!
- Clothing: I picked this, this and this up from Target and wrapped them in colorful tissue.
- Sunglasses for fun: Even though her glasses are transition, she loves wearing mommy’s shades.
- Name Puzzle: This is the only item I ordered in Advance from Amazon and ended up being so much bigger than I thought for only $26!
- Elsa/Anna toys/Olaf Egg: These are items I picked up in the Easter aisle at Kroger!
- Bubble Wand: Leftover from Penelope’s birthday party goodie bags (she’ll never remember).
- Rubber Ducks: We get new bath toys to avoid mold every few months.
- Random Candy items.
For getting the basket to look “full,” I basically stuffed sanitized grocery bags in the bottom of the basket and then covered those with a piece of tissue paper (see below side by side). I then used some crepe paper I had leftover from P’s birthday party to stuff additional pieces in. Then, I just layered the taller items in the back until everything was in! Voila, an Easter basket with trips I was already making for groceries.

You can find Penelope’s basket here and liner here and currently on sale! We have the large sized basket!
I feel sad, I didn’t even get P an Easter dress knowing we had no plans, but I will dress her in something cute for photos. We plan to dye and hunt eggs, make Easter candy necklaces and have a nicer dinner at home and Facetime some grandparents. I hope if you’re celebrating it’s wonderful friends. I’m thinking of you all.
Big hugs for a great weekend and fingers crossed you get some sunshine where you are.
And now, coffee.
What are your favorite toddler Easter basket fillers? Let me know in a comment below!
I have always included “gifts” that I would have bought anyway! When the girls were little, it was jewelry and hair accessories, bows, etc, that matched their Easter outfits. As they got older, makeup, nail polish, Kings Island pass, swimsuits, etc. This year, since they are spending 95% of their time in their bedrooms, it was a mini-fridge for one and a TV for the other one! What can I say?? Quaran-teens are expensive!! haha (And yes, I still picked up a couple of their favorite candies even though I said I wasn’t going to! Don’t tell them!!) Love to the Loochtans! Happy Easter!