This snack board post is sponsored by WW International, Inc. All comments and opinions are my own.
The other morning, I sat outside to do some work. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts and noticed I had goosebumps all over my body. It was around 10:30 AM, which means fall is on the horizon and summer (weather) is dwindling. I always welcome fall; I love crisp mornings and layers of clothing, but I am always slightly sad to see summer go. While I love the colors of fall, I love the long days of summer, too. Especially when Penelope is so tired from playing in the sun that it allots mom and dad some extra time in the evenings. Times have been a little crazy this summer, and date nights for us have been few if at all, so I’ve been trying to think of fun little ways to have dates at home. It’s not quite the same, but it’s less pricey and I get to wear sweats, so not all bad! We try to mix it up with games/puzzles, to fires outside (hopefully more to come once fall hits), but honestly, I just love making a little date night snack board, pouring some wine (for Aaron, as you know I currently cannot drink) and munching with a great movie on. I thought that I’d share what’s on our date night snack board, which is a little twist on the typical cheese and meat board (we make those, too). These are a bit easier in my opinion. It takes less time and fewer ingredients to throw together (and since it’s just Aaron and myself, I don’t have to make it look as pretty!)! Plus, I ALWAYS use what we have on hand meaning A. we clean the fridge out and B. it’s so easy and yet, always still delicious.
Date Night Snack Board Idea

- A Type of Cheese or Two. Regardless if it’s a “date night board” or a charcuterie board you’d make for a gathering, you need to start with some cheese. When we randomly have a “date” (i.e. Poppy goes to bed early), I usually use what’s on hand, so for this, it was tomatoes from our garden boxes, fresh basil, and WW Light String Cheese cut up to make Caprese Pops. I drizzle some salt/pepper, olive oil and balsamic on top and I swear, they taste so good with any cheese and I especially love the WW Light Mozzarella String Cheese because it’s 50% less fat and 25% fewer calories than low moisture part skim mozzarella cheese. I love that it has 6g of protein per serving and that it’s a good source of calcium! We found it in the dairy section of our local Kroger store! We also happened to have some feta, fresh rosemary (again, from our herb garden) which I combined quickly in a bowl. So, two cheeses for this board, boom!

- Veggies. I loathe olives, but Aaron likes them, so I include them for him. I love sun-dried tomatoes, so I included those as well. Sometimes it’s carrot sticks, sometimes it’s celery, but I like having some sort of veggie on the board.

- Crunch. One of my favorite things is a crunchy addition to any type of date, snack, cheese, or meat board. They’re just not complete without them. Typically, we have pretzels because of Penelope, so I’ll throw some of those on and then some parmesan crisps or something of that nature. We always have these things in our house, so they get used a lot on snack boards.

- Sweets. If you have savory, you have to have some sweet, too.If it were up to Aaron, he’d just have all candy/sweets on his board, but I’m just not the biggest sweets person, which is why I LOVE the WW Giant Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream Bars (at only 90 calories per bar they’re so delicious). They’re the perfect amount of sweet and chocolate flavor, and something we always keep on hand NO MATTER the season. I love that there is no artificial flavors or sweeteners, and that there are only 4 SmartPoints® Value per bar! I found them in the ice cream section of my local Kroger store! I’ll munch on one of these then go back to cheese, salty, etc. I’m strange like that! Obviously, they melt quickly, so I don’t put them on the actual board, but they’re just a few steps away in the freezer for when we’re ready! I also typically include some fruit because fruit + cheese is so good and mild.

- Beverages. Okay, it’s not part of the board again, but who cares. If you’re having adult time, you need adult beverages and when you’re trying to hold onto summer, you need rosé. HAHA. I found Cense Wines a few months ago, and love that it’s WW friendly and so delicious. Aaron enjoys any type of wine I pour, and he really like this, so I keep buying it for him despite not being able to enjoy any myself currently (but soon!). It’s made in California and has floral aromas. It has flavors of strawberry and bing cherry that pair well with the items on this board., At only 3 SmartPoints® Value per 5 fl. oz serving, it’s is a SMART decision! See what I did there, haha.
Honestly, keep it simple, use what you have (especially if it’s smart decisions like WW products, because they’re so yummy!). I know things like olives and sundried tomatoes might not be on your Kroger shopping list, but add them! You never know when early bedtime will strike and when it does, take advantage of the extra time for a date night, no matter the season! I can’t wait for fall to put a spin on this for outdoor fires, but for now, I’m soaking up every last bit of summer.
But before all that soaking, coffee this morning my friends!
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Must be 21 or older to purchase alcohol.
What’s a fun date night snack board idea you love? Let me know in a comment below!
I am all about Charcuterie boards right now!