Happy Friday friends, how the heck are ya? I went a little MIA this week (on the blog, but doing better on IG and stories, are you following?). Life ebbs and flows, am I right? I had some home decor content scheduled, but as I was perusing some sales the other day, I thought about how so many brands are really stepping up their game in the athletic apparel field and wanted to share some Lululemon look a-likes I’ve been spotting.
If I could stock my entire closet full of Lululemon, I would. I think it’s a durable and great brand, but dang is it pricey. While I own quite a few pieces, I also have realized SO many other great brands have such similar items. I recently picked up a few basic workout tanks at Walmart and have really loved them. Gap and Old Navy tend to lean more towards the “trendy” athletic appeal that Lululemon does which I love because you can find items in adorable prints and color schemes and don’t forget about Amazon, everyone’s favorite retailer during this weird time of life.
I know this sounds SO dumb (and it is), but I used to really care about the labels on my clothing. I don’t know if it’s maturity, budgeting or what, but I just don’t care anymore. If I like it and will wear it, I don’t care if it’s $5 from Walmart or $150 dollars from Lululemon. And you know what? SO many pieces are so similar. For example, my photographer I work with was wearing these joggers the other day and I actually own the Lululemon version and asked if they were the Lulu ones. I couldn’t even tell! So even though I have two pair of the Lulu’s you can bet I’ll be grabbing her version which are a quarter of what I paid!
I’m babbling, but I just want to make it clear that when it comes to home, fashion, anything really that if you love it, it doesn’t matter the label, the size or the price tag. AND, if you’re coveting over something, I almost promise you that you can find something SO similar that’s probably just as good! DO I still buy Lululemon, sure! But it’s not the only Athletic brand I need in my closet.
Now, for the shopping!
Athletic Apparel
Lululemon Looks:
Similar Items!
And that my friends is my life advice today, haha and now for coffee! I hope you have an amazing weekend full of laughs, checks off your to-dos and love!
What athletic apparel do you love wearing? Let me know in a comment below!