This easy guacamole recipe post is in collaboration with Mezzetta. Thank you for supporting the brands that make CB&BP possible! Now, go enjoy some guacamole!

One of our favorite dinners is not really a dinner, but more a genre of food. We love Mexican food in this house and have taken to having it at least once a week. We’ve actually taken to declaring Thursday fiesta night around here and Aaron likes to ask me what we’re having each week. We mix it up, but one staple is always constant guacamole. I’ve spent a lot of time perfecting my recipe, but I think I’ve finally found the winner friends and it’s SO delicious that even my 2.5 year old asks if mommy is making “cado” (that’s avocado for short in two year old slang). Today, I’m teaming up with Mezzetta to share my infamous (or famous in our family at least) guacamole recipe. Honestly, it seems silly, but this “themed” dinner night has become a little tradition in our household and one we look forward to making and eating together.

Easy Guacamole Recipe
Here is what you need:
- 3-4 ripe avocados. Typically for our family, I’ll just use2-3, but if you’re entertaining and need a larger portion, I recommend at least 4.
- Lime Juice of two limes
- Mezzetta jalapeño slices and pepperoncini’s. I’m fully aware pepperoncini are more “Italian” but trust me, Mezzetta Makes it Betta!
- Salt and Pepper
- Tomatoes (can use cherry variety or 1 small regular tomato)
- Fresh cilantro
- Red onion diced small
- Red pepper flakes (if a more spicy result is desired)

Here is what you do:
- Chunk guacamole into large chunks). Our recipe is more “chunky” which we like, but you’ll smash them down a bit in the mixing stage, so leave them chunkier for now. Split into 2 small sections.
- Dice all small ingredients including ¼ red onion, 2-3 tablespoons of Mezzetta sliced jalapenos, 1 tablespoon Mezzetta pepperoncini, 2 tablespoons cilantro
- With first group of cut avocado, put into bowl and smash pretty well. Not quite smooth, but use a fork and smash!
- Add all diced ingredients to smashed portion of avocado.
- Now add in additional chunks of avocado. If they are large, slice again in half and smash slightly. You want it to be chunky, so don’t go quite as rogue as you did on the first batch.
- Now for the flavoring! Add the juice of two limes and stir.
- LOTS of salt and pepper (more salt).
- Taste. Do you want it spicier? Try adding more diced Mezzetta jalapeños, even MORE spicy? Add red pepper flakes.
- Honestly, the last few steps are about making it your preferred spice level. We like it a little spicy, so give a few shakes of red pepper flakes and make sure plenty of diced Mezzetta jalapeño are in it. I like the flavoring the jarred jalapeños offer, so I opt for this instead of fresh. Trust me.
- Top with fresh cilantro, Mezzetta jalapeño and pepperoncini and a dollop of salt and pepper.
- Serve with your favorite chips, veggies or even better Tacos!

Since it’s a little chunky, it’s not the prettiest dish I’ve ever made, but I promise taste makes up for it! Aaron’s aunt recently asked if I’d share my recipe because she thought it was one of the best guacs she had! BOOM. Remember, Mezzetta Makes it Betta!
You can view more of my favorite recipes here.

Now, I’ll just be sitting here waiting for Thursday to come around and enjoying a hot cup of coffee while I wait.
Do you have an easy guacamole recipe that you love making? Let me know in a comment below!