Talk about an unplanned maternity leave. Hi friends. I didn’t plan on taking time off once Shepard arrived, but here I am almost five weeks laster. YIKES. The truth is, motherhood including two kiddos has been kicking my butt and I’ve definitely had some baby blues with the weather+COVID+lack of sleep. More on that a different day, but today I wanted to share something a little more lighthearted (aka what was in my hospital bag for Shepard’s birth). With pregnant friends, I thought a post like this could not only be helpful for them as they prep their hospital bags, but also y’all!
What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag
This go-around I definitely packed lighter than I did when Penelope was born and Aaron still teased me that it was way to much! haha However, I used everything I took this time, so I wanted to share with you!
- Comfy Lounge Clothing: I had a C-section, so I was stuck in bed for about the first 24 hrs and only wore the hospital gown/provided underwear. Once I could get up the next day, I immediately showered and put on these VERY comfortable pants and a nursing tank (no bra). If you have a regular delivery, I’d account for two pair of pants and maybe 3 shirts since you’ll likely only stay one night. If you’re a C-Section delivery, I’d suggest an additional outfit just in case. I did pack a bra to go home in and love these nursing bras. Slippers are also an option, although they’ll give you gripper socks to wear, too.
- Two cardigans: Over my nursing tanks, I took two cardigans to wear. I purchased this one for our stay and do think it’s lovely. I actually think I wore it both days and not the other older one I took.
- Boppy Pillow: I know for some people they don’t see the need to bring this, but I personally hate the thin hospital pillows and also didn’t want to borrow a Boppy in COVID times. Plus, I think it’s great to use what you’ll have at home for nursing to get used to it. I’ve also heard good things about this brand.
- Nipple Cream: We were given some nipple cream from the hospital, but this stuff is magic and I took my own.
- Extra Long Phone Cord: for you phone, duh.
- Pillow and Blanket for both mom and dad: Definitely for dad and I preferred having my own pillow/blanket as anything from the hospital is very thin.
- Car Seat. We had to take everything in with us because of COVID, but typically, you can leave this in your car until discharge. We’re using this car seat and it’s my fave.
- Baby Going Home Outfit
- Camera or iPhone (or both): We opted not to take our large DSLR because it’s super heavy and big, but we did use it for P’s birth. I find iphone photos are pretty good these days.
- Toiletries. I packed toothbrush, toothpaste, light makeup (to make myself feel human), shampoo, conditioner, makeup wipes and my migraine medication. I love these pouches.
- Bag to store it all. We used three of our Belmont Weekenders and they were roomy and great. Any weekender will do. You can also take a diaper bag, but chances are, you’ll only need baby’s going home outfit. The hospital gives you everything (more on that below). However, I’d consider taking it and leaving it in your car for the drive home.
- Light snacks/water bottle. I actually didn’t use my water bottle because they provide one, but we did take snacks (mints, some candy, nuts…think pre-packaged snack sized goodies).
I know some people take computers, books, etc. but honestly, you’re a brand new mom (or maybe brand new again) and I have been too exhausted to do “work” or “reading” both times. Aaron and I did watch some TV (the storming of the Capital was happening the day we had Shep). Honestly, I feel like you’re kind of in a fog, so you’re not really utilizing much brain power. You can always take additional items, but I remember taking SO much stuff when we had Penelope that we just didn’t need.
Also, while you could take other essentials (water bottle, diapers, onesies for baby), they provide all that stuff. My advice to you– take everything the hospital will give you upon discharge, especially pads and disposable underwear (after all, you’re paying for it). That includes:
- baby diapers/wipes to utilize while there
- disposable postpartum pads and underwear
- postpartum squirt bottle for mom (I took the hospitals for guest bathroom and had this one for ours)
- onesies for baby while in hospital
- ointment for baby (vaseline, diaper cream, nipple cream, etc.)
- hospital grade pump (every room has one)
- water bottle – they provide one of those big plastic ones that holds a ton. Definitely drink SO much!
And with that, I’m off to bed (it’s only 9AM) but middle of the night feedings come fast my friends.
I’m already thinking about tomorrow morning’s coffee.
Thanks for hanging in there with me while I took a break and continue to figure out this whole two kids situation, ha. It means so much!
Do you have any extra tips on what to pack in your hospital bag? Let me know in a comment below!